Welcome to the TIPS section of Something Splendid. This is kind of my “miscellaneous” section. A little bit of everything! Tips about organization or travel. Gift ideas. Human interest stories. I hope you find something interesting and useful!
Posts offering helpful tips or recommendations:
Gift ideas
- homemade spiced cocoa mix (Themed gift ideas included!)
- homemade chai: spicy indulgence (Makes a great gift!)
- home state themed gift ideas
- blueberry themed gift ideas
- how to put together an awesome care package
Human interest
- word of the year
- supporting friends through difficult times: the art of walking alongside
- fair trade: compassionate commerce in action
- Human Library: creating positive change one “book” at a time
Daily life
- mindful living strategies: reflect, reset, and refresh
- simple eco-friendly tips for a greener lifestyle
- name brands versus store brands
- homemade cleaning products
- monthly deep cleaning schedule
- weekly cleaning schedule
- using a grocery list template
- planning a group study (describes how to set up a group study using my fruit of the Spirit study as an example)