Welcome to the FAITH section of Something Splendid! Here you’ll find links to all my faith-related posts featuring devotionals, Bible studies, contemplative prayer practices, and prayer walks. I hope you find encouragement and inspiration in them.
I decided to include a faith section in my blog because my faith is important to me. A wonderful church community nurtures my growth. I have learned so much from joining group studies. I will pass along some of what I’ve learned in my faith-related posts, and I will also share a lot about prayer. Recently, I started coordinating the prayer ministry at my church, so I will make those resources available as well.
Faith-related posts:
Bible studies
- women in the Bible: lessons on faith and courage
- planning a group study (references my study on the fruit of the Spirit)
Prayer walks
- praying for your community: a prayer “walk” around town
- prayer walk on a college campus: a complete guide
- prayer walk at church: a complete guide
- prayer walk at home: a complete guide
Contemplative prayer
More general prayer
- prayer guide for our elections: seeking God’s wisdom and peace
- leaning into the Lord’s Prayer
- praying scripture
Devotionals and reflections
- cultivate authenticity
- cultivate hospitality
- word of the year (the beginning of my CULTIVATE series)
- a reflection on peace
- think on these things (devotional based on Philippians 4:8)
Christian nonfiction